Ninja Ragist Because Rhey Kill Him Funny Moments

The Pest (1997) Poster

Fast Paced Comedy

I found this movie Very enjoyable. I was laughing out loud and I really enjoyed the humor of it. If you are familiar with John Leguizamo's comedy and you are a fan of it this movie is a must see. It is a take on the novel "The Most Dangerous Game" and it focuses on the event's Pestario (Leguizamo) must overcome such as the fact the Scottish mob is after him, a crazy German nazi, Gustav, (Jeffrey Jones) is hunting him, and Gustav's homosexual son ,Himmel (Edoardo Ballerini), who is obsessed with "snakes", is obsessed with him too! This comedy moves fast yet is highly enjoyable!

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10 /10

The Pest is an excellent comedic movie!

I dont know why some people say that this movie is horrible. Its one of my favorite comedies.Leguizamo is an excellent actor he's like an hispanic Chris Tucker, One of my fave actors, The plot is excellent, and the acting is great. Leguizamo is absolutely Hilarious and everything is just so DAMN Funny. To those people who hate, please apreciate true comedic treasure when u see it. Everything is great and I love the racial slurs. To those who say only morons would watch this movie, I consider myself to be intelligent, and this movie is GREAT. If U like Chris Tucker U'll like John Leguizamo and this GREAT movie All comedies should be this damn good. SEE THIS MOVIE IF U WANT TO LAUGH!! Go out and rent it, Buy it NOW. Its one of the best comedies of the 90's. 9.5 out of 10. I know how to rate movies. Trust me, Not them.

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7 /10

People are crazy this movie is great

You have to understand that this movie is just meant to be fun. It is hilarious. Even if there are a few fart jokes and toilet humor mixed in, there are some seriously hilarious parts that make this movie fantastic. One liners like no other movie. People are trying to take this movie too seriously like its trying to be more than it is.

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6 /10

It's NOT a love-it-or-hate-it's neither extremely bad not extremely good.

"The Pest" has moments of mind-numbing stupidity (and at least five fart jokes too many). It's also offensive in its homophobic attitude, and its anti-German sentiments are so strong that you would think the script was written in 1940. But it still is a very easy film to watch, because it looks slick, it moves fast, and it has one hell of a driving music beat to it. It also has some hints of surrealism (the "dueling car stereos" scene), and does make you laugh a couple of times: not so much with Leguizamo's "impressions" (which are mostly awful), but at other, rather unexpected moments (the "Stop repeating what I'm saying! I mean it!" scene). I'd say it generally makes you laugh more often than many other comedies that have a higher reputation. (**1/2)

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10 /10

Extremely Funny!!!

Warning: Spoilers

I received this as a Christmas present. I thought this movie was incredibly hilarious. It reminded me a lot of a story I read in high school called 'The Most Dangerous Game'John Leguizamo is wacky and crazy through the entire film. Leguizamo plays a sneaky, but lovable con-artist named Pestario Vargas, but everyone calls him 'Pest' He is tricked into being hunted down on a private Island by a racist German named Gustav. If Pest survives for 24 hours, Gustav will give him $50,000. When Pest escapes the Island, Gustav and his homosexual son continue to hunt him down in the city. Pest uses many disguises in order to stay alive, If you love silly zany comedies, you'll love THE PEST!!!

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8 /10

God it's so hard to be modest!

If you go into this movie expecting Oscar level writing and acting then,'re an idiot and deserve to be disappointed. If you've had a hard day and just want to watch something that requires no thought at all then this is the movie for you! It's trash humour in the best way. It's silly, offensive, the special effects are low budget, it makes no sense at all and that's what makes it so great! Over twenty years and I still laugh my ass off everytime I watch it.

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1 /10

This Film is a Pest.

Warning: Spoilers

The Pest (1997): Dir: Paul Miller / Cast: John Leguizamo, Jeffrey Jones, Joe Morton, Aries Spears, Freddy Rodriguez: Pointless and stupid comedy with a character named Pest who seems like a relative of Ace Ventura. Idiot plot has him picked for a manhunt to which if he survives he receives $50, 000, which is exactly what he owes the Scottish mob. Production is cheap with vulgar humour including a scene where Pest pukes in full view of the camera before his friend pukes in his face. Is this suppose to be funny? How about the scene where this idiot takes a dump while a deer observes from a distance. Stupidity hits its strongest once he is hunted back to the city where his girlfriend and family are kidnapped. Director Paul Miller displays little talent especially when opening the film like a music video with Pest making vulgar noises in the shower. John Leguizamo plays Pest as an idiot who mugs every scene shamelessly. His performance is so bad that it makes Jim Carrey's work in Ace Ventura: Pet Detective look award worthy. Jeffrey Jones is every bit as bad as the man hunting Pest. Is this guy for real? Jones is at the mercy of material that presents him as the dumbest villain in film history. Thankfully Ferris Bueller's Day Off demonstrates what a terrific comedic villain he can portray. Video outlets will need an exterminator to vanquish this garbage so that it doesn't pollute the screens of innocent people. Score: 0 / 10

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insulting to even an idiot's intelligence!

If you're like me, you like all movies as long as you can find some redeeming qualities in it. The Pest is devoid of anything resembling quality, it's the equivalent of going to Big Lots, which is a pretty good store usually, and buying their interpretation of a cardiac defibrillator! Lenguizamo, who can be good at times, doesn't even deserve to spelled correctly with his performance in this Razzie winner! Trashy, tacky and tasteless all describe this movie, however if you're drunk or stoned or something, it'll probably help purge the contaminants in your stomach or bowels and then provide either the DVD leaflet/VHS box to help clean up afterward, but the ultimate irony will be that that would symbolize the money you wasted on it!

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10 /10

This Has Got To Be The Funniest Film Ever Made!

This movie blows me away every time I see it! John Leguizamo is the funniest, most talented actor ever and this is his all-time great (not counting "Freak")! And it isn't just John who's brilliant! Eduardo Ballerini was amazing! Jeffrey Jones was hilarious! It's number 6 on my top 50 list.

"I want to be a hair dresser and write musicals."

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6 /10

Hints of genius few and far in between.

Obviously this didn't win any awards for excellency, but it wasn't that horrible of a movie either. It showed bits and pieces of comedic genius mixed in with lowbrow and downright idiotic slapstick. Could this be a deeper and uncomfortable view into the twisted mind of Leguizamo (who must have been on a diet of sugar and caffeine throughout the filming of The Pest)? For what it's worth, about 20 minutes into the movie I wanted to kill his character, Pest. Hopefully that's what the writer intended... It was worth the $1.50 I paid for it, but it wouldn't last 1 second against true comedic genius like Pee Wee's Big Adventure.

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Mad Excellent, Mad Excellent

I love this movie it is my second favourite comedy movie of all time. This movie is definitely not for film snobs who would probably deny the brilliance of this film even though it follows in the comedic direction of the pink panther films. Please please see it! *****

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Leguizamo appealing, stereotypes may offend

Pest is more than Pestario Vargas' nickname; it's what he is. At the movie's start, as his family waits impatiently outside the bathroom door, Pest is rapping in the shower, imitating characters ranging from Ricky Ricardo to Jerry Lewis' Nutty Professor.

Pest works as a delivery boy at Mr. Cheung's Chinese restaurant in Miami. But he seems to make most of his money from scams, as we see in the first few minutes after the shower concert.

Pest owes $50,000 to Scottish mobster Angus. He needs a miracle, and he may have found one when Gustav offers him a chance at $50,000 if Pest will go on a hunting trip with Gustav, Leo and Gustav's son Himmel. Poor Himmel can't please his cruel father, who once locked him in a room with a snake. He finds enjoyment in 'Hogan's Heroes' reruns, which apparently remind him of his own life.

Pest's best friends are Chubbs and Ninja. His girlfriend is Xantha Kent, whose best friend is Malaria. Pest's first meeting with Xantha's parents doesn't go well at all.

I found John Leguizamo appealing and funny, but I can easily see how one might get annoyed with him. He pretended to be blind, Chinese, Japanese, German, and even Jewish. If you find 'Family Guy' offensive, you are advised to stay away from this movie, which relies heavily on stereotypes and politically incorrect humor. But 'Family Guy' is one of my favorite shows, even though it occasionally goes too far for my taste. This movie might have too, but it was cleaned up for TV.

The movie got off track about halfway through, but it didn't continue with the same storyline for as long as I expected, which was a relief. The rest of the movie was much better.

It's not a great comedy, but for some of us it is a good laugh.

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1 /10

Unfunny and moronic vehicle for an irritating talentless idiot

This movie is just not at all funny. It's a vehicle to showcase the dubious talents of John Leguizamo, apparently the world's most irritating and least entertaining man. Like a Latino Chris Rock but without the shyness and self effacing humility. I actually watched this having been taken in by the favourable comment then shown on this site without hitting "search for other comments". In retrospect the reason for this individual's thorough enjoyment of The Pest is obvious from the terrible grammar, missing and multiple punctuation, and towards the end of the review, CAPITAL letters appearing in the MIDDLE of sentences for NO apparent REASON. An example of the film's humour: The star does a rap in the shower over the opening credits, involving various impressions. The longest of these is The Count from Sesame Street, counting his farts which he calls "stinkie pinkies" and making mock disgusted faces. If this sounds hilarious to you, then by all means YOU must see THIS MOVIE!!!!

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The movie plot is stupid and the cast is too! But it is so funny as is the humor. It is very crude and somewhat annoying...but the guy (PEST) is just too funny! He'll force you to laugh until your abdominals hurt! Worth a watch, but you'll laugh like you've never laughed before. He can do so many impersonations it isn't even funny.

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1 /10

How did this happen?

I have no idea how anyone got involved in making this pitiful movie. My guess is that John Leguizamo didn't have a lawyer crafty enough to get him out of this embarrassing situation. I didn't notice this movie on the 100 Worst List, but certainly warn others to pass on this one. Don't go looking for curiosity or kitsch value either, it has none.

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8 /10


The Pest is one of the funniest movies ever made.John Leguisamo is hecka funny.Most people don't appreciate good movies like this.When my friend told me about it,I said,"What the heck is 'The Pest?"But when I saw the movie, I laughed as hard as I could.I give this movie **********out of ****.That's all I have 2 say.Bye.Love,peace,and chicken grease.

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10 /10

Stupid, Childish, Shallow, and a lot of fun!

If you're looking for something deep and thought provoking, this isn't the movie for you, but if you want something to sit around and laugh at with a bunch of friends, "The Pest" is a killer choice. John Leguizamo (Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet, Spawn) is the saving grace of this movie. If you're a child of the 80's like myself, you'll love his goofy style and great impressions. This is a great party movie.

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Worst movie ever.

If a friend recommends this movie to you, shoot them. Well, not really, but you should reconsider your friendship. The Pest is, without a doubt, the worst movie I've ever seen. EVER. And before you say "Oh, she just loves chick flicks!", let me say this: I hate chick flicks. I love comedies. But the only funny thing about this movie is that it ever got made.

Wait, I take that back, there are a lot of funny things. It's funny that The Pest is considered a good movie by some people. It's funny that some people find the jokes to be funny, whereas they are incredibly unintelligent and contrived. It's funny that anyone with an IQ over 2 would like this movie. Perhaps it appeals to some, but I simply cannot see why.

I watched this movie when I was in junior high, and even then, I found it to be juvenile and pathetic. In short, never watch this movie. Within the first minute I wanted to strangle the Pest to death and put him out of his misery. Because, truly, it would be misery to star in a movie this horrid.

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Destroy this movie before you ever watch it.

I watched "The Pest" at a friend's sleepover and let me tell you,it was excruciatingly painful to get through the first half-an-hour.Thankfully I was tired and fell asleep through most of it. I found this movie to be disgusting,crude,obnoxious,idiotic and I wanted to gauge my eyes out. It surprised me that John Leguizamo...A man capable of better roles and a good actor...would degrade himself so much by playing the part of The Pest.

Pest is right...This movie is a pest and it should definitely be terminated.....0.00001/10

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2 /10

One Jim Carrey, please, and hold the talent.....

"The Pest". What can I say? I had never heard of the guy who plays the Pest in this movie, but it is clear that this flick was supposed to launch his career into the stellar skies, similar to the effect 'Ace Venture: Pet Detective' had on Jim Carrey.

The story, for what it's worth, is simple. The Pest owes the scottish mafia (yes, the scottish mafia, complete with token kilts and hats on) $50.000, so he agrees to let some nazis (yes, some nazis) pay him $50.000 to try and kill him within 24 hours. As plots go, that's not the worst I've come across. Not the best, either, but it's not a total cliche. So far, so good.

So, off we go, into a movie where the plot and the characters are completely secondary to scenes whos only merit is giving The Pest an opportunity to dress up as some hideous stereotype. Not one major ethnic group is left unscathed by The Pest's 'subtle-as-a-world-war' protrayals of them. These ingenious protrayals involve the Pest, dressed up to look like, say, a jewish rabbi, and acting like the Pest saying things like 'meshugginger'. The acting skills involved are not huge.

When he is dressed as himself, he simply tries to steal the show by making mildly funny faces, saying extremely moronic things, grinning all the time and dancing for no reason. Sounds fun? Well, it isn't.

OK. I have stated earlier that the plot isn't too shabby. So, we can bear with the all-overpowering, talentless antics of The Pest, can't we? Well, no, but even if we could I'm not sure you'd want to. What happens in the actual movie is about as puerile as it gets.

Someone has told the script writer that the basic, human emotions are what makes a script great. This is true, but the writer seems to have misunderstood this and built the entire script around basic, human functions instead. In a harrowing 5-minute sequence, for instance, the 'laughs' involve farting in the forest, using a sock to wipe with, nazis sniffing said sock, overblown homosexual innuendo, vomiting in the face and finally bird doo on the face. This is of course all swamped in The Pest saying stupid things and acting stupidly.

The bad guys, mainly the nazis, are of course also mindblowingly stupid, and the Pest is never really threatened by them. In the bleak moment near the end where it seems the bad guys have won, I was in fact relieved by the hope that I wouldn't see the Pest again. No such luck, of course.

A good example of bad guy stupidity coupled with The Pest's pointless and irritating behaviour is found in the scene, where the Pest delivers chinese food to the bad guys. He walks in, observed by the bad guys, and immediately starts riding around the living room on an antique hellebarde wearing an antique helmet. Thus diverting attention from himself, he starts stealing stuff right under the nose of main nazi, who doesn't notice anything. Ah yes, how believable.

The script supervisor also seems to have read through the script and saying: "No, no, there is a 2 minute window in the film where somebody's groin is not in the action or dialogue. Change that, so that The Pest's groin bursts into flames and he takes all his clothes off."

This is a bad film. It tries to spoof itself by having the nazis laugh maniacally for about four hours (please let it be a spoof) but you just can't do it with such lousy base material. It diverts into momentary surrealism a la Zuckerman films once in a while, but it's pointless every time, so you just ignore it and chalk it up to The Pest acting so stupidly, that the natural laws of science have switched this turkey of a movie of the TV and gone to bed.

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10 /10


Honestly people are so harsh and have a different kind of sense of humor. I thought it was good and I had plenty of laughs. So yes I enjoyed this film very much so. I saw it as a kid and saw it later on and I enjoyed every part of it ! So give it chance again :)

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2 /10


Where do I start? This has to be one of the worst films I have ever seen. Sure, Leguizamo provides some laughs but the overall premise of the movie makes no sense and plays off more like a continuous music video than a slapstick comedy. No serious moments and no drama make this movie a total waste of time. I regret paying the 99-cent rental fee at blockbuster for this. If you want to see Leguizamo in a half-way decent movie where he truly shines in his whole, see Spawn (Yes I am actually recommending Spawn over this movie. This movie makes Spawn look genius). overall rating 1.5/10. Giving a generous "2".

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10 /10

Wow! This was actually funny!

I have to be honest with you, John Leguzamo (I know I spelled that wrong) tends to irritate me. When I heard this movie was going to be him just acting crazy for ninety minutes, well, I doubted I would care for it. However, this movie is a lot different from most comedies, it is actually clever. Coupled with an outstanding supporting cast, Leguzamo really keeps it fresh and funny the whole ninety minutes. It is often shocking to see comedy today that can keep up the laughs after the 30 minute mark, this one does. Leguzamo plays a guy named the Pest and that is just what he is. He is such a pest that you want to kill him and that is just what a Nazi living in the South Florida area wants to do, hunt him down and kill him. The chase is worth the watch and Leguzamo brings all of his comedic brilliance to the hunt. Very enjoyable.

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10 /10

Hey man I love it

I'm not gonna try to defend this movie... it makes me laugh so much that it has to be brilliant. Apparently it doesn't make everyone laugh like this... if it does though, its some of the most fun you can have watching a movie. Critics hate it, a lot of people say its annoying, maybe I'm tasteless, but if so I'm tasteless and having a good time watching "The Pest". This is coming from someone whose favorites list also includes stuff like "2001" and "Pulp Fiction", as well as silent stuff like "The Last Laugh". Not that people that like those would like this, but just goes to show, different people like different things. My favorites include "Jason X" as well, so you be the judge! Hopefully you'll see what I do in this movie, if not, too bad... it can be fun!

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6 /10

A different type of comedy

The pest is a unique movie in that it is ridiculous as possible, yet in all honesty I was entertained by it. This movie is a really bad version of the story "A Most Dangerous Game".

As bad as this movie is it is entertaining to some extent.

There is a great scene when the pest is being hunted by the Scottish mob regarding the birthday of a famous Scotsman which is just so absurd that I could not help laughing.

This is not a great movie... in fact it IS a bad movie, one that you're likely to see in the $5.00 bin at walmart. But for a cheap laugh (and with disturbing foresight into the future of slang) it's worth seeing at least once.

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